HarvardX CS50 Introduction to Computer Science | 2021 - 2022
Practicum Bootcamp Web Development Program | Jan, 2021 - Oct, 2021
HTML Academy Front End Development | Jan, 2021 - July, 2021
HTML / HTML5, Accessibility
CSS / Responsive Web Design, LESS/SCSS, CSS modules
JavaScript / DOM, OOP, Functional Programming, TypeScript
React / JSX, Hooks, Next.js, Redux
Node and Express / NPM Modules, Routing, Middlewares
MongoDB and Mongoose / Schemas and Models, Retrieving and Updating Documents
as well as Git / Storybook / Webpack / Gulp / AWS EC2 / CICD
Palianytsia is a US-based NPO dedicated to empowering and supporting Ukrainian youth in IT education. I built them a homepage to aid their mission and help to raise funds to bridge the gap in access to educational resources and technology.
RepositoryIn my ongoing portfolio project, I aim to enhance my skills in TypeScript and Redux. When finished, the app will allow you to build a burger from ingredients using drag-and-drop, place an order, track its status in the order feed, and much more!
RepositoryThis project is the capstone project of my education at Practicum Bootcamp. It allows users to log in, search for movies, and save them according to their interests to their personal accounts.
RepositoryPortfolio project at Practicum Bootcamp, an app where you can upload photos with personalized captions to your personal photo collection. App enhanced with user authorization and authentication and client-side form validation behavior for improved user experience.
RepositoryPortfolio project at Practicum Bootcamp, single-page website with adaptive design about traveling across the United States. This project fulfilled a Figma design and implemented media queries to ensure that the page appeared and functioned seamlessly across all device sizes.
RepositoryPortfolio project at Practicum Bootcamp, is a static website that is intended to discuss the most effective, cutting-edge learning techniques.